How to Correct the Picky Eater of Hamsters?
The picky eater of hamsters can lead to waste of rat food and poor health for hamsters. When hamsters are found to be picky eaters, we must ensure the health of the hamsters, gradually correct the bad habit of hamsters and improve daily prevention. Give Hamsters an Adaptation Period When Changing Food It is very common to change the food for your beloved rat . For example, the original rat food cannot be bought, or a better rat food is found. The reasons can be thousands of kinds, but we must pay attention to any changes. There is a transition period for hamsters, sometimes the transition period is very short and people can't perceive it, and sometimes the transition period is very long and even the hamster can't switch preferences. Therefore, when we consider changing the food for the hamster, we should not replace it all at one time. We can consider replacing the old and new food in proportion to take care of the hamster's food preference transition. If most of ...